Monday 19 January 2009

Worry Free Wealth Review

Learn How to Create Real Wealth With Worry Free Wealth!

From: Doc Brown

Re: How to Master Every Situation and Prosper on a Grand Scale!

Dear Family Provider:

Let’s begin at the beginning — I love America! It’s my home. It has given me everything I have today. I have seen it through several wars, scandals, setbacks, and through it all, I’ve never stopped believing in America.

would gladly stand up and fight for her today as my dad did.

But what would I be fighting for! What has America become? Sometimes I’m not sure I know…

Worry Free Wealth
Learn How to Create Real Wealth With Worry Free Wealth!

It doesn’t seem so long ago that kids could play hop scotch in the streets until well after dark…and no one worried.

I can remember taking a drive into San Francisco for a day in the park or to take in a seafood dinner on the Wharf until well after dark…and no one worried.
A Family’s Right To Wealth

Now I’m met with potholed streets, corporate insider amoral filth, and crazies running our government.

I can also remember when I worked proudly for a hard day’s pay and a dollar stretched a long way. Now it seems that the only people with money are the unholy trinity of inside corporate executives, senators, and congressmen.

Their motto used to be, "In God We Trust!" Now it's, "In Money We Trust!"

They’re all trying to get their hands on the money that a few of us have worked a lifetime to obtain...and they've whacked us hard.

Lawyers will sue for it. The government will tax it away from us. Some punk will take it right out of our pocket.

Maybe I’m nostalgic for the good old days, but from where I stand, “America the Beautiful” has become “America the Battered.” And it has me worried. Now that you and I have become unwitting the targets of corporate greed.

They've hoodwinked us in a scam the unholy trinity has slowly pulled off over two decades under democratic and republican leadership!

Learn How to Create and Protect Real Wealth With Worry Free Wealth!

Inside executives bankrupt the companies we dedicate our professions to. They walk away lottery rich with golden parachutes. We walk away unemployed.

They walk away with full family plans paid up-front and in-full for their lifetime by the companies just before they destroy it. We walk away with no health coverage.

They do it before the coffer is empty. And they do it with money earned by our blood, sweat, and years off our lives.

And that's just the thieves at the top of society.

Worry Free Wealth
Learn How to Create Real Wealth With Worry Free Wealth!

What About The Bottom Feeders?!

Did you know that the average attorney in the US earns only $25,000? Now you know why there are so many ambulance chasers!

Worse, I’ll uncover for you a top secret list maintained by attorneys in your state of high net worth individuals. Whenever there’s a news story of a negligent accident or other tragedy that identifies the allegedly guilty party these attorneys immediately go over that list.

If you’re on it, you’re wiped out.

The Fortune That Got Away

(You Didn't Even Know About)!

Did you know that 7 out of 10 Americans don’t have a will? Many of these people have an estate worth $250K, $500K, and many over $1Million!

They are elderly people who received money they knew little about managing…

Widows of successful businessmen.

Late middle aged children of wealthy parents from back in the 50s now entering their golden years.

Your state's court system loves this! There are predatory probate attorneys who pick these states apart.

Worse con-artists don’t even have to be attorneys to get on the state list to act as probate trustees. Then they suck your family inheritance out like coke up a Hollywood movie star’s nose!

You very likely have older family members who want you to get money but simply don’t understand that there are simple documents they have to sign to make sure you get it!

And, I haven't even talked about the perils of our predatory US investment industry. Most people think that intelligent investing requires the guidance of a stock broker with the training of a brain surgeon. Hold that thought for now as I'll get to this one in a bit.

Worry Free Wealth
Learn How to Create Real Wealth With Worry Free Wealth!

“Let’s face it, having money is important. Sure it’s no substitute for happiness or great health, but just think what your life would be like if you knew that you never had to worry about money anymore.

Imagine what it would feel like to actually HAVE total financial security? Wouldn’t that release a burden on you and your family? To be able to get better health, help others, dream big, finally feel the sun on your face? You already know the wealthy do things differently. They DO have knowledge that the majority doesn’t. Don’t you ever wish one would extend you a hand and teach you everything they knew? Hey, I run a Club called, which helps Entrepreneurs & CEO’s share success secrets and create relationships that help everyone grow and profit. That’s our secret to success, “we do it together, and we divulge what works,” which is rare in business. Well, with Dr. Scott Brown that’s exactly what you’re getting but specifically related to finance. Look, this is a rare opportunity to gain decades of knowledge and expertise from a man who knows how the rich get richer (and how you can too).

Believe me, unless you are part of a private wealth club and you paid your dues to get there, no one divulges these powerful tactics that allow you to get your money working for you and keep more of what you make…unless you’re Dr. Scott Brown who has a personal mission to give the ‘little guy’ the access to the ‘ultra-wealthy’ wealth tactics and matching bank accounts.

Believe me, this is an opportunity you don’t want to pass up as it may never happen again in your lifetime, so reach out and take his hand now, you’ll be glad you did.”
Stefanie Hartman Creating Million Dollar Businesses

Learn How to Create and Protect Real Wealth With Worry Free Wealth!

It’s Time To Assert Your Right to Wealth!

I’m Doc Brown. I’m a finance professor at a major state university. I’ve spent years teaching the MBA financial experts in all walks on Wall Street today.

I’m also the education director of the Oxford Club’s Investment University. I’ve put together all of the information that no financial planner will give you in one place that virtually guarantees a family nine levels of wealth.

Name Any “Millionaire Next Door!”

He or she learned early on to do some things most people never do in their entire lives.

Since all the other internet “pitch” pages are from people who need something from you, let me say right now that I don’t need your money.

I honestly don’t need anything from you at all.

What I would like, however, to turn you into a financial success story. And that is what this truly unusual webpage is all about.

I’m not looking to you for profit, and I don’t need your support or approval. You never met anybody like me, and you never received an opportunity like this before.

But this isn’t for everyone because most people aren’t ready for it.

I’m not looking for buyers; I only want you as my student if you’re willing to take action. Either way, you’ll be surprised and glad read what’s on this page.

I was groomed to take over the family medical practice. My father knew I could do it. I was a lazy student and a loner-scrapper as a kid with a “D” average.

Why New Immigrants Are Best Qualified To Teach Harvard Business Classes!

When he threw me out of the house and made me find a job at 13 (I WAS a pretty bad kid). The only job I could find was cutting garlic seed with migrant whites and wetback Mexicans.

I was amazed to find it was the Mexicans who came to my aid to teach me how to work. I quickly grew to respect them deeply and because of that today I am fluent in Spanish (and Portuguese).

I learned that the people that really work hard usually just swam in from another country where it simply doesn’t matter how hard you work…

…you still won’t get ahead South of the border.

When I went back to class I easily snagged the highest grades because book learning comes very easy to me. So I turned my 13 year old life around and by the end of high school I was student body president.

I went to university at age 18 working towards a medical doctorate to take the $500,000 a year practice over. All was rosy.

In the summer of 82’ my father was acting strange. He wasn’t eating and he was edgy.

Worry Free Wealth
Learn How to Create Real Wealth With Worry Free Wealth!

Don't Drink AND Smoke!

Six months later dad was gone from throat cancer brought on by a life of heavy drinking and smoking. Life collapsed.

Mom sold the practice to a “born again” who didn’t hesitate to charge for what had once been free. I had lost my first “sure thing” I life.

I persisted despite it all. By the time I was 29 I had earned a masters in international business management from Thunderbird rated #1 for international business studies by U.S. News and World Report and The Wall Street Journal.

But I was still pretty much broke.

For years and years I had read all the books, attended the seminars, sought help from prestigious business professors, answered the ads, gone to meetings, and taken people’s advice. Finally I had to admit to myself that nothing was paying off and I was jut running in circles (and losing spirit, money, and energy with every go around).

Those are painful years but they forged me into the person I am today.

It was about that time that I made the major decision in my life that the pity party was over. I started to focus on building wealth a little every day on one level.

Then when I could set a bit of lose-able risk money aside I laid down some long shot bets in futures and options.

That decision really paid of. I soon found myself working at a major state university as an adjunct professor. The school desperately needed finance professors so they offered to pay me to get a doctorate at a good school

When A Medical Doctor Asks You To Drop Your Drawers...You Do!

That did two critical things. First it put me in a position of teaching conventional textbook money knowledge to smart university student’s everyday. Second it earned the respect of very wealthy individuals who began seeking me out for advice.

At first I was nervous. At the time, many years ago, the wealthy people seeking my advice knew more about money than I did. But then I noticed that if I asked them personal questions…

…they would answer me!

Worry Free Wealth
Learn How to Create Real Wealth With Worry Free Wealth!

Just the same way you don’t stop twice to answer the questions your physician asks you. I realized that wealthy people would tell me how they grew wealthy. And wealthy people that had been knocked into the bread line would also tell me how they became broke.

Over time I learned more and more — especially after I became a doctoral student of finance. There finally came a day when I suddenly realized that I knew even more than the wealthy people seeking my advice.

I also noticed that certain “dos” and “don’ts” came up over and over again. Over time a very clear pattern emerged.

When I finished my Ph.D. in finance at the University of South Carolina I sat down with my wife, Marisol. I asked her if she wanted to invest in real estate here in Puerto Rico since by that time I had become a successful real estate investor (and stock investor, futures trader, options trader, and Forex researcher).

She thought for a moment, got an odd look on her face, and said “why don’t you teach people to manage their money the way we do.”

"Why?" I asked.

“we’re always just fine while everyone around us is stuck in some financial dilemma or half a breath from broke without even knowing. Why don’t you teach people to be ‘just fine’” Marisol replied.

That’s how my flagship course “Worry Free Wealth” came about. It’s a condensation of knowledge in nearly 600 pages of the very exact nuts and bolts that you must do to become the “Millionaire Next Door” in your neighborhood.

And if you do not do these steps you either:

1. Will not become wealthy or…

2. Your ship will come in and you’ll lose it all

Worry Free Wealth
Learn How to Create Real Wealth With Worry Free Wealth!

Don’t you hate it?
The prospect of walking into a bank managed by a stranger you’ve never met and striking up a conversation to get money because you don’t have enough.

It’s natural to feel uncomfortable. Are you making a positive first impression? Are you saying the right things?

Well, don’t get discouraged. You’re not alone. Many people who seem to have money dread these situations.

Master Any Financial Encounter.

These people who you see in your community driving the latest Mercedes Benz are among my clients. They often confess to me that despite their high salaries they simply did not know how to spend, save, or invest properly.

I turn them into expert, polished managers of their own money.

Never underestimate the value of personal financial skills! In a recent longitudinal Harvard University study thousands of families were tracked over the last decade years. What factor predicted success? Not salary.

Instead, the most financially successful families were those who saved no less than a specific percentage of their income and consistently invested it in surprisingly simple ways.

When I teach people these abilities, they experience dramatic, positive changes in their net worth and careers aside from quickly becoming debt free. Now I’ve put all of my techniques into an exciting new program, “Worry Free Wealth.”

Reap The Rewards

Have you ever said to yourself, “I wish I had less debt and more money”? Or, “If I only knew how to invest”? Or, “If only I could go back in time?”

Worry Free Wealth is the answer. Just by studying every week for 5 months, you’ll master the proven financial skills you need to deal with every expenditure, every risk, every opportunity.

The result? New doors will open to you.

You won’t hesitate to accept an invitation to analyze legitimate investment opportunities — and you’ll quickly know which are legitimate and which aren’t. You’ll never again feel like an outsider.

Success will naturally flow your way — and with less effort than you ever imagined possible.

Winning Strategies

Worry Free Wealth
Learn How to Create Real Wealth With Worry Free Wealth!

Here’s just a sampling of the secrets you’ll discover in Worry Free Wealth:

The two most powerful “Grand Profit” techniques . Use them and you’re family is virtually guaranteed wealth in retirement. This secret alone will make this course an heirloom in your family

Three simple rules that have given 6% of five decades of middle class workers the savings power to rise to a Nuevo-riche upper class that "high fly" in retirement around the globe!

Discover the "two simple investments" recommended by the most successful stock investor in US history — the simplicity of this wisdom will shock you!

I’ll guide you through the secrets of asset protection that will keep your wealth solidly away from legal financial predators as you’re quietly and "secretly accumulating wealth!"

You'll discover how to cultivate a healthy investing psychology so that you'll "stop worrying" once and for all about money.

Worry Free Wealth
Learn How to Create Real Wealth With Worry Free Wealth!

You'll learn how to "layer your investments" so that if your ship never comes in you’ll still retire rich.

I'll reveal to you top secret empirical evidence by our brightest financial researchers holding doctorates that proves that you should "never trust Wall Street" to manage your money ... do it yourself!

I promise you the ability to "insure yourself" against all the unexpected nightmares that could leave you broke.

I'll give you mastery over the "secrets of trusts" even your family attorney doesn't know. After all, who needs a will (that is frequently successfully contested by the family crack-head ex-wife of your second cousin) when you can protect those you love lock, stock, and barrel with a trust?!

Worry Free Wealth
Learn How to Create Real Wealth With Worry Free Wealth!

1 comment:

  1. Having an inherited wealth is much of an advantage. You get to maintain your current lifestyle. You can enjoy your life even if you do not have your parents anymore. If you are lucky enough, you can even use your inherited wealth for your future family. Regardless of the amount of inherited wealth you have, making the right choice in choosing a company where you will invest them is very important.

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