Saturday 21 March 2009

Photography Business - Photo Wealth System: "Earn $200 Per Day Taking Simple Pictures In Your Home Town"

Yet Another Worry Free Wealth System:

Amateur DIGITAL PHOTOS are in HIGH DEMAND! With a digital camera, two hours of free time, and some picture taking fun, you can easily earn $200 a day enjoying the career of your dreams.

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Photography Business - Photo Wealth System
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Turn Your Passion For Picture Taking Into a Full-Time Money-Maker! In Less Than 7 Days You Can Open an Incredible Bank-Busting Floodgate.

Today, there's a growing demand for all kinds of
G-rated amateur photos … If you can click a button and upload your photos on the Internet, you can turn your love for photography into instant cash!

Who wouldn't enjoy a career in photography? You get…

* UNLIMITED EARNINGS: Work part-time or full-time hours; you decide. The more pictures you take, the more money you'll make.
* GREAT RESIDUAL INCOME: Just upload your pictures once, and earn up to 60% from every repeat sale.
* FLEXIBLE HOURS: Work only when you feel like it, from anywhere in the world.
* HUGE TAX SAVINGS: Operate a home office or snap pictures as you travel-it all adds up to additional tax savings.
* EXPRESS YOUR CREATIVITY: Keep doing the activities you love and showcase your passion and zest for life though your photographs.

Dear Friends,

Without an ounce of experience, special equipment, or photography skills you can join the 18,000 amateur photographers currently making a full-time living doing something they absolutely love!

You see, over a million new businesses start up each year. And one of the first things those new businesses need is marketing materials. Makes sense right? …

… Furthermore, how often do you see marketing materials (websites, brochures, newspaper ads) without any pictures? Rarely, I bet.


And that, my friend, has created what I call a "rock-solid advantage" for everyday people like you and me.

Because, as long as you have a digital camera, an Internet connection and a few hours a week to spare, you can immediately start a fun and lucrative career as an online photographer.

Just Point, Click and Upload, it's Really that Simple!

Right now, photographic websites are crying for more photos. Most are struggling to accommodate the hundreds of thousands of image buyers currently browsing through their websites.

Seriously, photos are in such high demand that Getty Images (the parent of iStockphoto) reported annual revenue of $857.6 million in 2007 - and since most of their pictures sell for around $2 to $15 - it doesn't take a genius to see how lucrative this business can be.

Plus, I also know of five new photographic websites that just opened their doors, who are eager to cash in on this growing trend. They are desperate for photos and will pay top dollar for the right ones.

Photography Business
Click Here For Full Story on The Photo Wealth System!

Generate Extra Cash, DAILY!

So, if you're looking to break out of the boring, then a "home-based" Internet photography business may be perfect for you.

It's a cash-rich opportunity that's allowing thousands of everyday people to make an above average living, from the comfort of their own home.

Ideal for stay-at-home moms, graduates that are in between jobs, students who want some part-time earnings, and even retired couples living on a fixed pension - it's a wonderful way to earn extra money, pay down debts, or to tuck away extra cash for a rainy day.

Imagine having the flexibility to take time off when your kids are sick; to enjoy your retirement without the financial worry; or to sleep in and work later, after you've had a lousy nights sleep?

With This Business You Are in Full Control!

It used to work this way: Graphic and web designers would buy expensive packages of stock photos and they would use whatever images they had available – but now with the explosion of digital cameras and the ease of photo distribution, companies want more options - and PHOTO SITES JUST CAN'T KEEP UP!

Today, companies need more variety to choose from, so they can develop stronger brands and enhance their unique selling proposition (USP).

They spend a slue of time searching for photographs with just the right touch; photos with something unique that makes them stand apart from their competitors.

And today, photography sites are franticly searching for people (just like you and me) to upload whatever photos they can get their hands on …

… Because they know that image buyers are first attracted to websites that have hoards of pictures – however, once they find someone who understands their unique needs, they'll stick to them like glue.

So to grow their websites as FAST as possible, photography sites are offering unheard of commissions – some as high as a 60% for each photo sold. It's amazing!

But what's even better is that with all the graphic enhancing software and the cropping capabilities available, you don't have to submit award-winning photos, or need to invest in any expensive machinery.

When you know what photos are selling like hotcakes, all you need is a trigger-happy camera finger and you'll be able to rake in a slue of cash.

And in a moment, I'm going to show you exactly how it's done.

So Damn Simple and Insanely Fast!

Keep reading, and you'll be lead with wrecking ball precision right to the cash – and I'll show you exactly what you need to do to get started. But before I do, please allow me share a bit of my own story with you.

I'm Jason Klean from Cleveland, Ohio - and, to most people, I'm considered a normal guy that likes photography and dabbles in web design.

But, what they don't know about me is that only seven months ago I walked over to my boss and quit my $35,000 per year carpentry job on the spot, because my part-time photography business kept my pockets full of cash.

In fact, the money was so good that last year I made a whopping $73,547 working about 10-20 hours a week.

Now please don't think I'm bragging, that's not my intent. I'm telling you this so you know how financially rewarding a business like mine can be.

Amateur photos are in such high demand, yet most people don't realize the full potential of this type of business.

Photography Business
Click Here For Full Story on The Photo Wealth System!

Sure, certain pictures sell more than others; heck, some don't even sell at all, but once you know the secrets, this business runs like a well-oiled machine.

So if this concept sounds remotely interesting - don't waste another minute - and don't go into it blindly …

… Because, when you know the ropes and you know what photos to focus on, you'll make money, lightening fast. And it's going to be a piece of cake after you get a quick lesson about what's hot and what's not.

So why share my great idea with you?

… That's easy! In this business, the more photos that are submitted the more money people with the right photos make! It may sound strange, but those who know what they're doing benefit more when there's a lot of photo submissions.

Think about it: To attract image buyers; photography websites need hoards of pictures – right? But to keep buyers coming back, they also need a constant stream of high-demand pictures too.

And my photos won't be ideal for everyone – however with a bunch of us taking just the right shots, we'll keep customers hooked and coming back for more. So as I show more people what to shoot, we'll all be winners!

Plus, I also figured out which photography websites are the best to work with. I've analyzed these sites, scrutinized the commission structure, compared the top sellers, and created an easy to follow winning formula that works each and every time.

You already have what it takes to do exactly what I'm doing. Heck, I'm no different than you. I'm no better!

Why spend a month or two researching all this on your own? Sure, in the end you'll probably know who to work with and what type of pictures to take too, but why reinvent the wheel. It's a waste of time!

There's no better time to start a photography business than right NOW! It's an income-boosting magnet!

Answer YES to These Questions and I Know This
Business will be Perfect for You …

* Need to make more money, but have little free time to spare?

* Want to put in a couple of hours each week, yet bank full-time earnings?

* Want to be the proud owner of a fun, interesting and cash-rich business?

* Want to see results right away?

Ready to Discover the Closely Guarded Secrets
of Online Photography …

Then Imagine…

* Being able to work as much, or as little as you want!
* Working from the comfort of your own home!
* Earning ridiculous amounts of money from the same picture!
* The satisfaction of owning a business you absolutely LOVE!
* A chance for more leisure time with family and friends!
* The power to control your own financial future!
* A ton of extra tax benefits!
* Plus much, MUCH MORE!

Photography Business
Click Here For Full Story on The Photo Wealth System!

Let me show you how to steamroll the competition - and get people to swarm to your photos like bees to honey!

Remember, right now there's a bunch of new photographic websites crying out for new photos. You may even have some on your hard drive that you can upload and sell, right now.

And like I said, your photos don't have to be perfect. Buyers know they can use image software to alter or crop out what they don't need. They are just looking for the right foundation.

If You Can Take Simple Photos Like These, You
Can Make Good Money Too!

Of course, as with any business there's a right way and wrong way to get started; a way to avoid some of the pitfalls and maximize your time and your profits.

And that's what I want to help you with today. If you have a digital camera (or plan on buying one soon) then let me help you do this right.

Let Me Show You How to Earn a Six-figure
Income as an Amateur Photographer!

I've put everything into one simple-to-use package. It's a handy, full-reference photography business guidebook, which explains in hand-holding style every step you need to take to start and build a successful six-figure photography business.

With my "Photos for Profit Guidebook" you'll get hundreds of tips, tricks, and tactics – plus a ton of insider secrets that will bowl over your obstacles and fast track your sales.

For example, you'll discover:

* The insider secrets for building a profitable photography business: Just follow 7 easy steps to kick-start your success…

* 5 new, high-traffic photo sites desperate for photos, and willing to pay though the nose to get them: In less than a week you could be making money while you sleep…

* Instantly dramatically boost your photo sales, by adding a single, yet powerful word: Use this tip and you'll put money in your pocket, instantly…

* Command the best photo fees possible: Discover what your photos are really worth. Know your prices and you'll get top dollar for the photos you take…

* 3 descriptive words that you should add to your sales pitch: Use them to impress buyers and sell photos hand over fist…

* 5 no-fail tips that will dramatically improve your acceptance ratio: Follow them closely and increase the likelihood of having all your photos accepted the first time around...

* How to easily double, or even triple, your photo sales using eBay: Discover how to use your eBay profile to promote your photos and your new business…

* 9 foolproof tricks which guarantee you'll take the perfect shot: Easy to follow steps that will turn you from an amateur into a photographic guru…

* 3 of the biggest mistakes photographers make: Correct each one and you'll immediately watch your income hit an all-time high...

* 9 types of photos that generate the highest return: Photograph these hot topics and your bank account will grow, incredibly fast…

* 5 critical errors that make image buyers look elsewhere: Avoid them and customers will be begging you to upload more photos...

* 9 surefire time saving tips: Follow these tips and you'll shave hours from taking and uploading your photos; guaranteed…

How to build your bank account with blogs: Learn how these high-demand money-makers can send your income through the roof.

But that's not all!

With the Photos For Profit Guidebook, you'll also get:

* 3 types of image buyers to avoid: Discover how to quickly spot the time-wasting clients from the gems…

* Discover what type of photos buyers rarely find: Tap in to this group of photos and you'll have a continuous stream of buyers, and money…

* How triple your sales by tapping into celebrity gossip: Do it right and this never-ending celebrity chitchat will drive more people to your photos than ever imagined...

* Tips for photographing sporting events: You'd never believe how easy it is to get great shots. Not to mention how much people are willing to pay for them…

* The secrets to selecting the right keywords: When you pick great keywords you're guaranteed to watch your photo sales skyrocket...

* Discover how to keep 100% of the profits from the photos you take: Get expert advice about setting up your own photo website. Learning exactly how to post your photos, plus dozens of traffic generating tactics…

* Learn how to maximize offline sales: Watch how successful photographers build a low-cost photography store, and create a wider variety of services and income…

Plus, you also get…

* Tips to maximize your earnings: Learn how to turn your photos into screen savers and other high demand formats to reap even bigger gains…

* Develop another lucrative income stream, vehicle photos: Discover these secrets and in only a few hours you can easily bank $500 to $2000...

* Learn about "Field Reps" and why this specialized service is well worth investigating: This elite service pays extremely well and is in high demand...

Photography Business
Click Here For Full Story on The Photo Wealth System!

Where else can you start a fun and prosperous business for virtually pocket change?

In fact, tons of new entrepreneurs, as well as university students, pay way more than that, every single week – and most end up with just a basic business education, not a comprehensive business-building system like this.

For a small investment you will have all the insider knowledge you need to start a lucrative photography business.

But be warned, you don't have a lot of time to take advantage of this special introductory offer. Wait too long and the price goes up.
So grab a copy of Photos for Profit Guidebook now … and SAVE!

Plus, If You Order Now You Also Get
FREE Bonus Gifts Valued At Over $247.00!

Bonus Gift #1 – Take Surveys Online and GET PAID!

There are hundred of companies who want your opinion, and are willing to pay good… no actually GREAT MONEY to get it.

* Earn up to $75 per online survey!
* Earn up to $200 per online focus group!
* Earn up to $800 a month to drive your car!
* Get FREE prizes! (camcorders, gas cards …
Plus More!

Just register and you'll be invited to take surveys, participate in online focus groups, comment on movie trailers, shop for products (keep them too!) and sometimes even drive your own car! It's an easy way to make even more money!
Order Photo Wealth system and you'll automatically get access to over 300 online companies - who value your opinion and are willing to pay you handsomely just to know what you like, buy, do and want.

Bonus Gift #2 – Making a Living as an Online Freelance Writer!

If you can write at a grade nine level, you can easily earn money writing articles, blogs and reviews.

NO previous writing experience necessary!
You'll be shown everything you'll need – and know exactly where to find people looking for entry level writers.

* Earn up to $35 for a 150 word article!
* Earn up to $25 for each blog entry!
* Earn up to $350 for a 2000 word article!
* Earn up to $600 for a 5000 word article!

When you order Photo Wealth System today, you'll automatically get Making a Living as an Online Freelance Writer– as a FREE BONUS!
You'll get instant access to the online writing training manual which contains well over 100 pages of valuable content!

You Can Enjoy a Flexible, Rewarding
and Lucrative Full or Part-Time Career!

I appreciate that you may be skeptical, but I'm not out to rip you off.
I've already explained the need for photos, and why it's in my best interest to help you.

Think about it: Web designers, banks, insurance companies, teachers, magazine editors, realtors, graphic designers, marketers, travel agents, retailers, as well as many other business types need photos all the time.
There's more than enough business to go around.

But, why not earn money fast by knowing what people want, where they buy, and how you can attract them to your photos?

I can't even imagine the time and money I would have saved had I discovered these secrets months ago.
I urge you, let me show you what photos to take, how to weed out the bad photo sites from the good ones, and what fees to charge - so you can start putting money in your pocket right away.

With the Photo Wealth system you get a hand-holding, step-by-step guide to building a profitable photography empire. And, the best part is you can get started for basically pocket change.

Follow along and I guarantee you'll get off to a flying start.

This guidebook contains only the straight talking advice, but don't take my word for it. Read what others have to say about what they've discovered:

"I sold 126 copies of one picture!"

"Wow! I'm impressed. Your advice was so helpful. I would never have thought taking pictures of vehicles could be so worthwhile. Hooray, I sold 126 copies of one picture in less than 3 weeks." – Peter Stuggard

"For a part-time job I couldn't ask for more!"

"I discovered this opportunity at the best time. I needed some extra cash for a trip to France and this business was perfect. For a part-time job I couldn't ask for more! I just took $5,384 from my bank account and made some much needed travel plans. Thanks a bunch!" – Lois Knightly

"Worth Every Penny"

"What a terrific guidebook. You explained everything so clearly, that I made money my very first day. I honestly believe you save me tons of time and aggravation. I've always enjoyed taking pictures, but never realized how easy it could be to earn money from it." – Jake Bender

Order Today For Only $29.95

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Photography Business - Photo Wealth System
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Just Click above image then scroll down the page and hit the order button.
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You see?

Give me a few hours of your time, and I'll show you the secrets behind this amazing picture-taking business. The steps are practical and easy to follow.

If you want to work less, control your own hours, and make insane amount of residual income in a very short period of time, you've come to the right place.

The Photo Wealth System contains a proven-to-succeed photography system that can turn your dreams into a reality.

But, the BEST way to get these insider secrets and be on your way to earning a fortune is to Order NOW!

To order Photos For Profit Guidebook, just click the Order Button further down - and you'll be immediately transferred to a secure ordering page.

Once your order has been processed, I'll rush Photo Wealth System straight into your inbox. How easy is that?

And, you'll soon get the knowledge and confidence to create a successful photography business.
Why put your financial future on hold for one more day? Order right now and start building the life of your dreams, tomorrow!

Warmest regards,

Jason Klean & Nikki T

P.S. Imagine having the flexibility to take time off when your kids are sick; to enjoy your retirement without the financial worry; or to sleep in and work later, after you've had a lousy nights sleep? Order now!

P.P.S. Whoops! I almost forgot to tell you about my guarantee. You are completely protected by my 100% ironclad money-back guarantee. If after purchasing my guidebook you don't feel it is the most amazing money making system that you've learned about – and if you're not totally convinced that Photo Wealth System is worth every single penny of your investment, please let me know and I'll return you money immediately.

P.P.P.S. And remember, for a limited time when you purchase Photo Wealth System you'll also get two fabulous bonuses as a free gift. You'll find dozens of money-making in these two great gifts: Making a Living as an Online Writer; and Take Surveys and Get Paid – enjoy!

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Photography Business - Photo Wealth System
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